Medicare’s 50th Anniversary

July 30th, 2015 – Medicare Turns 50!

This year marks a half-century of Medicare: America’s universal, public health plan for seniors age 65 and up! Patients like Medicare better than private health insurance, Medicare provides better financial security than private health insurance,  and it’s cheaper and more sustainable for society. Improving Medicare by filling in its coverage gaps and extending it to everyone would provide universal, comprehensive care for even less than Medicare costs us per person! It is the only ethical way to provide healthcare, and the only way we can afford as a society.

Join thousands of activists across the country by planning an action for Medicare’s 50th Anniversary.

Medicare’s 50th marks an incredible milestone, and you can help advance the movement for single-payer healthcare in your area by organizing a public event and reaching out to other organizations to co-sponsor it with you. Read our Medicare’s Anniversary organizers’ toolkit for tips, and let us know if you are planing something: we will add your action to our Medicare’s 50th Anniversary events calendar and help to turn people out in your area!

Activist Resources for Medicare’s Anniversary

Medicare’s 50th Twitter Banner Image
Medicare’s 50th Social Media Profile Image – set this as your Facebook profile image!
Medicare’s 50th Talking Points for TV & Radio News – from
Medicare’s 50th Fact Sheet for the Press – from
Local Press Release Template for your Medicare’s 50th Action – from
Social Media & Photo-Taking Guide for Your Medicare’s 50th Event – from
Medicare: As American As Apple Pie 50th Anniversary Logo
National Day of Action: July 30, 2015 Save the Date Graphic
Save Medicare by Expanding it to Everyone flyer by Healthcare-NOW!
“Cut Medicare? No Way! Make It ‘Medicare for All’!” by John Nichols
Love it! Improve it! Expand it! Medicare for All! Sign by Healthcare-NOW!
Medicare is the Solution Sign
Universal Healthcare = Medicare for All Sign


  1. […] Social Security Amendments of 1965, which established Medicare and Medicaid, were approved by the House of Representatives on July 27 of that year and […]

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