get trained

Great organizers aren’t born – they’re trained!

If we want to win our fight for healthcare justice, we have to develop and sharpen the skills we need to talk about our issues, persuade our friends and neighbors, and bring folks together to make change. Our training series breaks down how our current healthcare system works, the impact for-profit healthcare is having on our communities and our country, and how we can organize to get us all the justice we deserve. Whether you are an experienced organizer looking for a refresher or brand new activist looking to get involved for the first time, join us to learn together and build power!

Scroll to the bottom of this page for a full description of any training. Our trainings are conducted online with a live facilitator in an interactive workshop format. Each training is self-contained, so you are welcome to enroll in all of them or just choose the topics that interest you. Once you sign up below, you'll get an email confirmation with the link to connect to your training.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at

Training Registrations

PLEASE NOTE: Our live training series is on pause through the 2024 Medicare for All Strategy Conference (June 1, 2024), as Healthcare-NOW goes through a staff transition and is working at less-than-usual staff capacity. Thanks for your understanding, and feel free to reach out if you'd like to request a training for your organization!

Training Descriptions & Materials

Telling Your Healthcare Story

Telling Your Healthcare Story Training

Length: 90 minutes
Resources: Training Slideshow, Frequent Challenges Telling Your Healthcare Story

Description: Our vision is to develop a national network of speakers and writers whose powerful personal testimony about the U.S. healthcare system will serve as the public face of the urgent, moral call for Medicare for All. To join us - please sign up below!

Your healthcare story is the most powerful message for Medicare for All - far more important than economic arguments, or data about uninsurance and bankruptcy rates. In this 90 minute training, we will teach you the craft of story-telling and help you develop a moving 2-minute version of your healthcare story. We will share your story on our website, making your testimony available for op-eds, letters to the editor, Healthcare-NOW reports, public hearings, and for reporters interested in your experience with the healthcare system.

Medicare for All Mythbusters
Racial Equity & Medicare for All
Reproductive Justice & M4A
Connecting With Your Base
Strategy and Power Mapping
Planning a Campaign
Campaign Culture and Structure
Strategic Communications
Fundraising: Securing the Bag

This page supported by the Healthcare-NOW Education Fund