John Boehner Didn’t Cry for Us, He Locked Us Out of His Office

A Capitol Police Officer oversees us deliver 2,100 letters to Rep. John Boehner asking him not to cut Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security. Thanks to all of our supporters, over 2,100 people signed our petition asking Speaker of the House John Boehner not to cut or privatize Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security. Many of you…

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House Republicans Consider Privatizing Medicare

From the AP – WASHINGTON — Months after they hammered Democrats for cutting Medicare, House Republicans are debating whether to relaunch their quest to privatize the health program for seniors. House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., is testing support for his idea to replace Medicare with a fixed payment to buy a private medical…

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Neighborhood Fund Raisers to Pay for Cancer Treatment

Dear Speaker Boehner: I am a musician, a member of a symphony orchestra that belongs to a national group known as the Regional Orchestra Players’ Assoc. Most of the musicians who perform in these orchestras are not covered by insurance carried by their employer, even though I believe most of the office staff do have…

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He Had Worked Hard Since He Was 12

Dear Speaker Boehner: My husband died in 2003 due to lack of care for diabetes and cancer after we lost our health insurance. There were times we couldn’t get insulin and no churches or private agencies could help either. We lost our home, our business and eventually him, because the only jobs I could get…

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Will You Cry for Me, John Boehner?

Tired of the political theater in Washington, DC? Want to tell real stories by real people who need real change from Congress? As House Republicans make their futile attempt to repeal health reform, join us in launching the “Will You Cry for Me, John Boehner?” campaign. Because we know Speaker of the House Boehner has…

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Repubs, Dems, Blue Dogs and Tea Partiers: Everybody Loves Medicare

By Donna Smith – President Obama keeps torturing himself and the 111th Congress by trying to come up with new ways to work together and a single healthcare reform effort that all could embrace politically, morally and fiscally. He need not struggle so hard, as the leaders in each of the groups clamoring for leadership…

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