Will You Cry for Me, John Boehner?

Tired of the political theater in Washington, DC? Want to tell real stories by real people who need real change from Congress?

As House Republicans make their futile attempt to repeal health reform, join us in launching the “Will You Cry for Me, John Boehner?” campaign.

Because we know Speaker of the House Boehner has an emotional side, we want to tell him our stories of struggle – the stories that make us cry – in hopes that instead of pretending to repeal health reform, we should start talking about real improved Medicare for all reform.

Look – we don’t have anything against crying, but John Boehner cries for the wrong reasons.

American dream: tears.

Millions uninsured: not a drop.

Personally, I shed a few tears of frustration when I opened up nearly $4,000 in medical bills for a doctor ordered biopsy.

We were all stunned and saddened when the Arizona state legislature ended the life-saving transplant program for nearly 100 Medicaid recipients.

We certainly didn’t jump for joy when Blue Cross Blue Shield of California, a not-for-profit insurer, increased premiums by 59%.

Tell your story and we pledge to deliver each and every testimonial directly to Speaker John Boehner…along with a tissue for each of your stories.

But we don’t need just sympathy. We need action. We pledge to continue the Campaign to Strengthen and Protect Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid – and demand that single-payer healthcare be seriously considered to control the deficit and solve the healthcare crisis.

It’s easy to participate. Sign on to this letter here and leave your personal comment for John Boehner – anonymously if you prefer.

If you have a web cam, flip cam, or other video camera, consider filming your testimonial and sending it to us directly. Your video could be featured on the campaign website. Post your video to YouTube (here’s some directions) and email us the link.

Let John Boehner hear from you today. We need a real solution to the healthcare crisis. We need improved Medicare for all.

Yours in health,
Katie Robbins
Healthcare-NOW! National Organizer


  1. Luis on January 19, 2011 at 3:10 pm

    I’m a fireman. I have a wife and two children. I cannot have my family on my city provided insurance because the deductible is $10,000 a year, and the premium is almost $500 per month. I earn a little over $40,000 a year before taxes. My wife works part time to help make ends meet. We are not middle class, we are working class, and my family is not insured.

    Republicans seem to think this is fair. A basic human right is denied to my family because I earn $2,000 a year too much. This is fair?

    • Thinkagain5 on January 21, 2011 at 12:58 am

      Now tell us the rest of the story that you did not tell us.
      It is HARD to find a catastrophic-only care health plan such as you describe.

      Please tell us the real truth. You may have a deductible that large from your health insurance carrier, but your employer likely steps in on a “self-insured” basis at a lower level. This is common to encourage employees to spend health care dollars wisely, to lower the real out of pocket costs to your employer, and to have employees have some responsibility for their health care. There is no free lunch. As for the premium, $500 per month for a Premium plan is not unusual. Welcome to ObamaCare.

      Slimmed down plans are not legal any longer, unless your employer begs for an exemption. We, as employers, now have to go begging to the federal government for favors, leading us from the rule of law, to the rule of backdoor deals, special favors, corruption and tyranny.
      You ask for the government to get in the business of offering and mandating health care, this is where it goes.

      • John Barker on January 22, 2011 at 1:00 pm

        “Think again5”—nobody is looking for a free lunch. What we are looking for is efficiency,lower costs and health care justice. Republican privatized Rube Goldberg Health care fixes of the past 70 years have gone no where but up in cost, thousands go bankrupt and thousands die every year because of health care denied. Insurance premiums of $500/month and much more were the norm long before “Obamacare” and are not an invention of “Obamacare”. They are an invention of corporate greed extracted from captive customers. Think again5, you be honest. Do you really pay insurance premiums or even taxes? I don’t think so, you pass these costs to your customers when they buy whatever goods or services you sell, in a word you collect taxes and insurance premiums and then pay them. Granted this makes you less competitive, but supporting the privatized Rube Goldberg health care system with unnecessary middle men bandits that we have for working people under 65 in this country only increases your problems. Think again.