The Ryan Medicaid Plan: A Threat to Middle Class Security

The Medicaid changes in the Ryan budget plan would have extraordinary implications not only for the poor individuals who are normally thought of as the principal beneficiaries but for a very broad swath of middle-class families who are far more likely to become reliant on Medicaid benefits at some point in their life than most…

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Handout on Threats to Medicare, Medicaid

With the help of some single-payer activists in New York City, we created an educational handout explaining how House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan’s 2012 budget proposal seeks to eliminate Medicare and gut Medicaid. Ryan claims privatizing Medicare and slashing Medicaid funds are necessary to solve the nation’s deficit crisis, but this handout illustrates how Medicare…

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New Outreach Guide

“Outreach Guide: Empowering Single-Payer Activists to be Organizers”, by Single Payer Now and Healthcare-NOW!, is now available for download. This Outreach Guide was designed to empower you— the dedicated activist — to become more involved in community outreach and education. The following components are fundamental in building our movement: community outreach, neighborhood meetings, fundraising events,…

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Report Calls United States to Account for Failing to Meet Basic Human Needs

In a report published in advance of the United Nations hearing on the U.S. human rights record, advocacy groups called the U.S. government to account for regularly washing its hands of any responsibility for making sure that its people are not ill-fed, ill-housed, and of ill health. Together with seven collaborators and over forty endorsing…

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New Healthcare Presentation

Here are some informative slides on national, single-payer healthcare. Use it for a meeting or just for informational purposes. Download the Power Point, “The Evidence for Single-Payer” by Dr. Margaret Flowers, here.

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New NESRI fact sheets on the federal health reform law

How will the new health reform law affect the communities most impacted by the continued denial of the human right to health care in the U.S.? The National Economic and Social Rights Initiative (NESRI) is publishing a series of fact sheets analyzing the law from the perspective of immigrants, women, people of color, and rural…

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Which Health Care Reform Proposal is Good for Business?

Single Payer is the Surprising Clear Winner By Ivan J. Miller – Download the full report here. A new health care system could improve the bottom line for most businesses, reduce the impact of government related regulation, and free employers from managing employee health care. A redesigned health care system using single payer financing offers…

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On the Individual Mandate

The Women’s Economic Agenda Project sends us a handout on the individual mandate to purchase health insurance that’s included in the recently-signed healthcare legislation. You can download the handout here.

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NESRI Submits UPR Report on Economic and Social Rights in the U.S.

National Economic and Social Rights Initiative (NESRI) coordinated a joint submission on Economic and Social Rights in the U.S. to the United Nation’s Universal Period Review. The report, entitled “Toward Economic and Social Rights in the United States: From Market Competition to Public Goods,” was prepared in collaboration with seven partners and allies and has…

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Leading Single-Payer Activists Discuss Health Insurance Reform

What did we get, what didn’t we get, and where to do we go from here? On April 11, 2010 we were lucky to be joined by Kevin Zeese (Prosperity Agenda) and Ethel Long Scott (Women’s Economic Agenda Project) on our monthly single-payer activists conference call to hear their excellent analysis of the health insurance…

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