DIY Single Payer Economic Study

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A New Economic Analysis Tool for Single-Payer Healthcare Proposals

As national momentum has grown for enacting single-payer healthcare, it has become more important to answer key policy questions: how much does it cost? how can we pay for it? what is the impact on families, both low-income and high-income? how would businesses be affected? state and municipal budgets?

Leonard Rodberg, Professor Emeritus of Urban Studies at Queens College/CUNY and Research Director at the NY Metro Chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program, has developed a new tool that helps you to conduct your own single-payer economic study for a particular state, or nationally. Professor Rodberg was intimately involved in the development of Gerald Friedman’s 2015 Economic Analysis of the New York Health Act, and has turned that analysis into a template that can be used by plugging in data and making some key methodology choices.

Over forty economic and actuarial studies have been published analyzing the costs and impact of implementing single-payer healthcare reform. These studies have to address complex questions of methodology, which data sources to rely on, what assumptions to make, and how to handle uncertainty. There is no replacement for professional actuaries and economists conducting these studies, but if you are part of a group that lacks the resources to commission such a study, or you’re interested in becoming an expert on the economics of single-payer healthcare reform, this is an incredible new tool for you!

Instructions on How to Fill Out the DIY Single Payer Economic Study

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Excel Template for DIY Single Payer Economic Study

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