Sign Your Organization Up As a Local Partner!

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Your organization can become a local partner for the "Voices of U.S. Healthcare" project! Our goal is to capture the stories of thousands of American residents who have been impacted by our broken healthcare system - people whose everyday reality has been ignored and silenced for too many years. More than just story-banking, we want to help people who have the most at stake fixing our healthcare system to take on leadership roles in the Medicare for All movement.

Here's how your organization can help:

  • Collecting Stories in Your Area: identify people with a healthcare story to tell and encourage them to submit their story to the Voices project. If you're a local group, you can set a goal of surfacing a range of story tellers in each Congressional district in your state!
  • Welcoming & Onboarding Story Tellers to Your Organization: we want every story teller to become part of the M4A movement and to join in community with your local organization! When a new person shares their story with us, we will introduce them to your organization so they can get involved, if they aren't already.

Join the Voices Project Today

This page supported by the Healthcare-NOW Education Fund