Why I Want Medicare for All
Why I Want Medicare for All
A majority of Americans support Medicare for all. Now is your chance to have your voice heard!
We’re asking people from across the country to submit one-minute videos showing their support for expanding Medicare for all. All the videos we have so far are on our YouTube page.
Tell us:
1) Your name
2) What city and state you live in
3) What is your profession? Are you affiliated with a particular group – political, volunteer, faith-based, or other?
4) Why YOU support the right to health care and expanding Medicare For All.
Whether you’re liberal, conservative, rich, poor, young, or old we want to hear from you!
To participate, upload your video on YouTube and send a link to jeff@healthcare-now.org. We encourage participants to fill out this waiver and send it to us at jeff@healthcare-now.org so we can be assured that all images are being used with full consent.
For more information or to volunteer for this project, contact Ben@healthcare-now.org. To donate, go here.
Help Us Fill the Map With Testimonials
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Here’s a great example of a video that was submitted.