Building a Grassroots Single-Payer Organization

Building a Grassroots Single-Payer Organization

This is Healthcare-NOW’s guide to help you build a grassroots single-payer organization, starting from a single activist! The goal of this guide is to offer a structured four-stage plan for the very beginning stages of getting a new organization off the ground. Upon reaching stage four of this guide, you will have a list of at least 500 supporters, a coalition of nine supportive organizations, a core of eight leaders, and a defined leadership structure. At this point, your organization will develop its own multi-year strategic plan and approve annual work plans, setting your own organizing and outreach goals moving forward.

Please contact us at Healthcare-NOW if you plan on using this guide – we are here to help and support you!

Stage #1: Build an Initial Core of Activists (click for resources and worksheets)

Goals to achieve in this stage:

Stage #2: Grow Your Campaign (click for resources and worksheets)

Goals to achieve in this stage:

Stage #3: Organize and Build Initial Infrastructure (click for resources and worksheets)

Goals to achieve in this stage:

Stage #4: Create an Organization With a Strategic Plan (click for resources and worksheets)

Goals to achieve in this stage: