Posts Tagged ‘NPR’
Even When Employed, Health Care A Challenge
From NPR – Zumba is a fitness craze; a high-energy dance and exercise program. You can find it in high-end gyms and even the community center in Hazelwood, Mo., where Casaundra Bronner, 40, lives. Still breathing heavily, Bronner comes out to her car after one of the classes and turns on a small digital recorder…
Read MoreA Tweak To Health Law Would Eliminate Medicaid For Some
By Julie Rovner for NPR – Should the middle class be eligible for Medicaid? The health program, funded jointly by the feds and the states, was devised to cover the poor. But if a provision in last year’s health law isn’t changed that could be the case for people with pretty healthy incomes. So today,…
Read MoreIn Pa., Low-Income Adults Soon May Be Uninsured
By Jenny Gold for NPR – When Paula Michele Boyle first received the letter earlier this month explaining that her health insurance coverage was being terminated, she took it personally, thinking maybe the insurer had discovered something in her history to make her ineligible. But then the Philadelphia resident read on and realized that it…
Read MoreT.R. Reid: Looking Overseas For ‘Healing of America’
From NPR’s Fresh Air – T.R. Reid made a global survey of global healthcare systems and reports on lessons for the US.
Read MoreSingle-Payer Debate on NPR
Yesterday, Dr. Steffie Woolhandler, of Physicians for a National Health Program, debated Robert Moffit, of the Heritage Foundation, on single-payer healthcare and healthcare reform on NPR’s Radio Times. Here’s the NPR description and an MP3 of the hour-long debate. When Barak Obama outlined his proposal for reforming the health care system, the concept of a…
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