The 2021 Medicare for All Bill - formally titled "To establish an improved Medicare for All national health insurance program" is the most comprehensive single-payer bill ever introduced to Congress.
H.R. 1976 improves and expands Medicare to every person in the U.S. and provides the following cradle-to-grave benefits:
- primary and inpatient care
- hospital and outpatient services
- prescription drugs
- dental, vision, hearing
- reproductive health, including abortion
- mental health and substance abuse services
- long-term services and supports
- laboratory and diagnostic services
- and more
This page is a hub of resources to organize for the bill.
The 2021 Medicare for All Bill
— Healthcare-NOW! (@HCNow) March 8, 2021
The 2021 Medicare for All Bill - formally titled "To establish an improved Medicare for All national health insurance program" is the most comprehensive single-payer bill ever introduced to Congress.
H.R. 1976 improves and expands Medicare to every person in the U.S. and provides the following cradle-to-grave benefits:
- primary and inpatient care
- hospital and outpatient services
- prescription drugs
- dental, vision, hearing
- reproductive health, including abortion
- mental health and substance abuse services
- long-term services and supports
- laboratory and diagnostic services
- and more
This page is a hub of resources to organize for the bill.
The 2021 Medicare for All Bill
— Healthcare-NOW! (@HCNow) March 8, 2021
Full text & summaries of the bill
Is your Rep on?
Get organizing for H.R. 1976!
Full text & summaries of the bill
Is your Rep on?
Get organizing for H.R. 1976!
The Medicare for All Act was introduced on March 17th, 2021 with a record 113 original cosponsors!
Healthcare-NOW, Labor Campaign for Single Payer, National Nurses United, and Our Revolution are among the many groups backing this groundbreaking legislation. The 2021 Medicare for All Act begins the essential work of mapping out how exactly we move from our broken healthcare system to one that serves all of our residents with dignity and justice.
The Medicare for All Act was introduced on March 17th, 2021 with a record 113 original cosponsors!
Healthcare-NOW, Labor Campaign for Single Payer, National Nurses United, and Our Revolution are among the many groups backing this groundbreaking legislation. The 2021 Medicare for All Act begins the essential work of mapping out how exactly we move from our broken healthcare system to one that serves all of our residents with dignity and justice.