Conference Workshops
Conference Workshops
Below is a list, still-in-formation, of workshops that will be featured at the 2018 Single Payer Strategy Conference. Check here for updates – a full agenda including plenary panels and speakers will be forthcoming!
- Single Payer 101 (Laurel Gamm, Physicians for a National Health Program Minnesota)
- Online Organizing for Medicare for All (Stephanie Nakajima, Healthcare-NOW)
- State of the States (Chuck Pennacchio, One Payer States)
- Forging Partnerships with Workers’ Centers and other Workers Organizations (Tony Pecinovsky, St. Louis Workers’ Education Society; Meaghan LaSala, Southern Maine Workers’ Center; Ben Palmquist, National Economic and Social Rights Initiative)
- Building rural grassroots power to win healthcare for all. (Mark Schultz, Land Stewardship Project; Matthew Covington, Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement)
- Long Term Care, Disability Rights and the Single Payer Movement (Henry Moss, PNHP, NYC Metro Chapter; Susan Aarup, ADAPT and Illinois Single-Payer Coalition; Sumer Spika, SEIU Healthcare MN; Eagan Kemp, Public Citizen)
- Building Solidarity: Bargaining Fights and Healthcare Justice (Peter Knowlton, United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America)
- Follow the money: Big Money and the politics of healthcare reform (TBA!)
- What Does Just Transition Look Like? (TBA!)
- Overcoming Resistance: Talking to people about single payer (Katie Robbins, NYSNA and the Campaign for New York Health)
- Building Leadership in Communities Facing the Greatest Injustice (Meaghan LaSala, Southern Maine Workers’ Center; Ben Palmquist, National Economic and Social Rights Initiative; Tammy Rojas, Put People First! Pennsylvania; Laile Wilson, Put People First! Pennsylvania)
- Building a feminist, multi-racial, pro-immigrant movement for single payer: Why and how? (Roona Ray and Yuling Koh Hsu, Campaign for New York Health)
- Telling Your Healthcare Story (Geri Katz, Minnesota Nurses Association)
- All About Grassroots Lobbying (Benjamin Day, Healthcare-NOW; and Mark Privratsky, Minnesota Nurses Association)
- Taking on Big Pharma (TBA!)