The Healthcare Census is a big project with a big goal: to talk with 10,000 of our friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers about the healthcare crisis in this country by December 31, 2022. We know that talking - and most important, really listening - to people is the only way to better understand the issues they are facing and invite them to join us in fighting for Medicare for All.
The Census interview is a 15-20 minute survey about issues people might face in getting or paying for medical treatment, and it's a great way to start a conversation about healthcare. The answers can remain anonymous, or respondents can give their contact info. The interview can be conducted over the phone, via zoom, or in-person (with COVID safety precautions in place) - whatever works best for you.
We need volunteers to conduct interviews with others, be interviewed themselves, coordinate a volunteer team, and/or help provide tech support to the campaign. Healthcare-NOW will provide all the tools and training you need and host monthly support calls where folks can report back on their progress, brainstorm solutions for common obstacles, and build community with other folks who are passionate about healthcare justice!
Sign up here, and we'll follow up with you shortly!
If you are a member of a group that would like to join the Healthcare Census, you can find out more information about how to become a partner organization here!
Questions? Feel free to email us at