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During this election season and the run-up to the next Presidential election, Healthcare NOW is partnering with National Nurses United and People's Action to hold politicians accountable to the people they represent!

The Patients Over Profits campaign is a national effort to get political candidates and current office-holders to pledge not to take any campaign donations from the worst corporate offenders in the Healthcare Industry. It's a big ask, but it's absolutely necessary if we are going to take back our political system and win Medicare for All!

The Patients Over Profits Pledge is a powerful organizing tool to find out whose side your elected officials and candidates are on, highlight those who are doing right by their constituents, and turn up the heat on those who are in the pocket of Big Healthcare! You can check out the pledge here.

Of course, the pledge only works when we work together to show politicians that folks in their districts want to see them commit to getting corporate healthcare dollars out of the political arena. Please sign up here today if you are willing to reach out to politicians in your area and ask them to take the pledge!


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