Healthcare-NOW is asking our broader community of allies to identify amazing individuals and organizations to join our Board of Directors for 2023-24. You can nominate someone using the form below!
- What is the Board? The Board of Directors is Healthcare-NOW's governing body - it determines the organization's mission, structure, strategic plan, and messaging. It also oversees the budget, hiring of the Executive Director, and work plan for staff. Board members serve for 2 year terms.
- Who can be nominated for the Board? Healthcare-NOW is looking for people who are leaders in the communities we are fighting for, and can help us grow the grassroots movement for Medicare for All.
- How will a final Board slate be decided? Healthcare-NOW's Board Development Committee will review all the nominees, and propose a slate of candidates for an up-or-down vote by Healthcare-NOW's members (everyone who has donated to Healthcare-NOW in the past year).
- Healthcare-NOW has created diversity goals to ensure that our leadership is representative of the communities we are fighting for. Developing slates is a way of approaching the makeup of our leadership intentionally, ensuring that privileged groups aren't disproportionately represented.