Member Survey for 2017 Organizing Plan
Member Survey for 2017 Organizing Plan
Donald Trump is President, the GOP holds both houses of Congress, and repeal of most of the Affordable Care Act is imminent, along with likely attacks on Medicaid and Medicare to follow. 2017 will be a year of major change for healthcare, putting tens of thousands of lives at risk. Never was the movement to make healthcare a right more important! Healthcare-NOW is thinking and planning big for next year – we want to mobilize on an unprecedented scale, and take a leap forward in building our movement for healthcare justice.
As a member of Healthcare-NOW, we turn to you to help us understand what is at stake, for feedback in developing a plan of attack, and to ask what motivates you to fight next year. Thank you for your time in filling out this survey – every single response and comment will be read, and will be used by the Board to develop an organizing plan for 2017!
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