
Benjamin Day and Gillian Mason of Healthcare-NOW break down everything you need to know about the social movement to make healthcare a right in the United States. Welcome to Medicare for All!

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Shark Tank for Your Health

By Geri Katz | February 3, 2022

Heads up, there’s a lot of swears in this one. Well-justified swears, we think, but if you have younger listeners nearby, you might want to put on your headphones. Just this past week, billionaire Mark Cuban launched a new healthcare service called – because he’s a megalomaniac –  the Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company.…

Keep Your Corporate Hands Off Our Medicare!

By Geri Katz | January 21, 2022

“Direct contracting” is the latest in a long line of insidious tactics pushing Medicare towards privatization. Today we’re chatting with Dr. Claire Cohen, MD from Physicians for a National Health Program about direct contracting entities: what they are, how they threaten beneficiaries of traditional Medicare, and what is being done to stop them. Show Notes…

Anatomy of an Organizing Victory, with National Nurses United

By Geri Katz | December 23, 2021

Today we’re celebrating a win! We’re talking to organizers and leaders at National Nurses United (NNU),who recently ran a very impactful campaign to get Representative John Garamendi from California to commit to being a co-sponsor for the Medicare for All bill in Congress. Representative Garamendi supported previous versions of Medicare for All legislation, but had…

Build Back Better & Healthcare for the Homeless

By Geri Katz | December 8, 2021

This week, we’re teaming up with the Poverty Policy Podcast and the National Healthcare for the Homeless Council for a crossover episode! We discuss the Build Back Better bill and weigh its potential impact on individuals experiencing poverty and houselessness. Show Notes The National Health Care for the Homeless Council is a membership organization uniting…

Deep Canvassing

By Geri Katz | November 29, 2021

This week we’re doing a “deep” dive into “deep canvassing,” a much-hyped, relatively new organizing tactic that focuses on engaging voters in empathetic conversations. Promising studies have shown that deep canvassing can be effective in reducing prejudice against marginalized groups and changing voter’s minds, even on hotly contested issues like immigration or transgender rights. But…

Mailbag: Stephanie’s Last Episode

By Geri Katz | October 31, 2021

We answer your questions about why we don’t have Medicare for All yet, interfacing with groups fighting for incremental reforms like Medicaid expansion, and more. Show Notes Starting with an easy one, many people asked: Why don’t we have Medicare for All yet? A few reasons: first, our political system is very different from most…

The State of Mental Healthcare

By Geri Katz | October 15, 2021

Today we discuss the sorry state of mental healthcare in the United States, and the impact Medicare for All would have for people who need it. Our guests today are Dr. Beverly Smith, President of the American Mental Health Counselors Association and Guila Todd, Government Affairs Manager at the American Counselor Association. Show Notes The…

The Unseen Dental Crisis of Seniors

By Geri Katz | October 1, 2021

The American Dental Association (ADA) – the largest association of dental professionals in the country – are fighting against the proposal to add dental benefits to Medicare. We talk about the politics of ADA opposition to healthcare, and also hear from seniors themselves about what it’s like to go without needed dental care. Dental care…

Are There “Multiple Pathways” to Universal Healthcare? Evidence from Europe

By Geri Katz | September 19, 2021

Are the German and Dutch health insurance systems really private? What would it actually take to transition to a social insurance model? Once and for all, we debunk the myth that we can “build on the current public-private healthcare system” to achieve universal coverage.  Show Notes Ben and Stephanie discuss Healthcare-NOW’s recently-completed comprehensive comparison of…

Drug Advertising: How to Make a Killing

By Geri Katz | September 5, 2021

With the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine receiving full approval from the FDA, and Moderna shortly behind, prepare for an unprecedented wave of drug advertising! This could have a positive impact with regards to vaccination rates, but drug advertising in the U.S. has a dark, deadly history. Joined by guest co-host Gillian Mason, we cover the surprising reasons…

Denials at the ER: A Profit-Making Precedent

By Geri Katz | August 13, 2021

United Healthcare, the largest insurer in the US, announced this May that they may start denying claims from the ER if it turned out the visits were not actual emergencies. Like almost everything in our healthcare system, this policy doesn’t actually make sense on a moral or even a financial level. We discuss the surprisingly…

Medicare Expansion Gains Momentum & Victories!

By Geri Katz | August 2, 2021

Last podcast, we discussed expanding and improving Medicare, and since then there are a couple of major updates on the budget moving through Congress, with implications for the M4A movement! We also discuss the history of expanding and improving Medicare (or degrading, in the case of privatization). Show Notes Last podcast, we discussed expanding and…

Week of Action: Expand Medicare!

By Geri Katz | July 16, 2021

Congress has an opportunity to make real steps towards Medicare for All this week. We go over the 4 proposed reforms that would expand Medicare, what’s at play and what’s at stake, the opposition to Medicare Expansion – if you can believe it – there IS opposition to giving seniors dental care – and what…

Do Marches and Rallies Work?

By Geri Katz | July 2, 2021

We’re joined by L.A. Kauffman, author of How to Read a Protest: the Art of Organizing and Resistance. L.A. Kauffman was the mobilizing coordinator for some of the largest demonstrations in U.S. history — the massive Iraq antiwar protests of 2003 and 2004 — and has played key roles in many other movements and campaigns. Her…

Did Big Pharma or Governments Invent the COVID Vaccines?

By Geri Katz | June 18, 2021

Stephanie and Ben discuss who developed the vaccine; who is profiting from it; and the fight for global vaccine equity on this episode with guests David Mitchell of Patients for Affordable Drugs and Andrew Goldstein, a public hospital primary care doctor, assistant professor of medicine at NYU, activist, and organizer with the Free the Vaccine…

Pharma’s Image Gets a Boost from COVID-19

By Geri Katz | June 7, 2021

62% of people now have a positive opinion of drug companies, up from 32% in 2020. What’s responsible for the sudden shift, and do pharmaceutical companies deserve this newfound adoration? We’re joined by Shannon Rotolo, co-founder of Pharmacists for Single Payer and a clinical pharmacy specialist at the University of Chicago Medicine, to debunk industry…

Mailbag Episode: Listeners interview us

By Geri Katz | May 22, 2021

In our inaugural mailbag episode, Rose Roach – Executive Director of the Minnesota Nurses – joins us to answer your questions about how Medicare for All would save money and impact rural hospitals, how to answer to pushback on cost, talking to conservatives about Medicare for All, the political landscape, petitions as a base-building tool,…

Biden’s 1st 100 Days on Healthcare

By Geri Katz | May 7, 2021

We discuss Biden’s American Families Plan proposal, which Biden unveiled in his first State of the Union address last week (spoiler: it’s rather underwhelming) and the industry lobbying that made it happen. Then we discuss the proposal to expand Medicare that came from Reps and Senators – both progressives and moderates – and what it…

The Koch Brothers: Behind New Strategy Against M4A?

By Geri Katz | April 22, 2021

We talk with Ben Palmquist from Partners for Dignity & Rights about a new anti-single payer bill in the Florida state legislature that would require a two-thirds supermajority to pass a single payer bill in the state. We segue into a larger conversation about the various opposition groups that have sprung up against Medicare for…

New York: Majority Support in House and Senate for M4A

By Geri Katz | April 10, 2021

In January, the Campaign for New York Health made single payer history in the United States: the bill secured the support of a majority of co-sponsors in both chambers of the New York State legislature. Campaign organizers Ursula Rozum and YuLing Koh Hsu join us to discuss how NY got here and the very real…

Record-Breaking Launch of the Medicare for All Act

By sarahcn | March 30, 2021

Rep. Pramila Jayapal re-introduced the Medicare for All bill last week with a record 112 original cosponsors – up now to 114. We talk about surprise sign-ons, powerful stories from the cosponsoring Reps, the first national endorsement of a hospital CEO, and the epic organizing effort that got us to this stage! Show Notes Representative…

The 2021 Medicare for All Bill

By sarahcn | March 22, 2021

We’re joined by Stephanie Kang, Rep. Pramila Jayapal’s Health Policy Director, to discuss the upcoming 2021 Medicare for All bill, which will be shortly reintroduced in Congress. Kang also discusses changes made to the membership rules of the Progressive Caucus, and the most effective way to lobby your legislator during COVID! Show Notes We are…

The Road to a Floor Vote on Medicare for All

By Benjamin Day | March 4, 2021

In the House, we have about half of the cosponsors we need to pass Medicare for All. Democrats who are not currently cosponsors (and constitute the other half we need to win) represent districts that are whiter and wealthier than the districts we’ve already won. What does this mean for our movement and how do we organize in this next phase?

Healthcare in the Netherlands: Public or Private?

By Benjamin Day | December 30, 2020

Is the supposedly “private” Netherlands healthcare system a model for the US? And what would it take, politically and in terms of concrete policy, to transition to this system? Dr. Kieke Okma, an expert on healthcare systems around the world, joins us to discuss how exactly the Dutch healthcare system works (to start: its 80%…

Racial Justice and Medicare for All

By Benjamin Day | December 1, 2020

This week we chat with Dr. Bita Amani, an epidemiologist and Associate Professor for Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science and Lead Co-Chair of the COVID-19 Taskforce on Racism and Equity which is housed in the UCLA Center for the Study of Racism, Social Justice, and Health. We talk about how health played…

This page supported by the Healthcare-NOW Education Fund