Index of Information on the National Health Insurance and Public Health Act

Public Hearings on the National Health Insurance and Public Health Act

In May through June of 1949, a Subcommittee on Health Legislation of the Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, chaired by Senator James Murray, held 15 days of hearings on a "National Health Program," taking testimony on four pieces of proposed legislation. One was the National Health Insurance and Public Health Act (S. 1679, H.R. 4312), sponsored by the Chair of the Subcommittee, Senator Murray, while the other three were: S. 1106, the "Medical Aid Act of 1949"; S. 1456, the "Voluntary Health Insurance Act"; and S. 1581, the "National Health Act of 1949."

Full text of S. 1679

Full text of the National Health Insurance and Public Health Act, as reproduced in the first public hearing on a "National Health Program" on May 23, 1949:

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Bibliography of Historical Writings on the National Health Insurance and Public Health Act