Organization: Hill/HarrisX

Conducted: April 19-20, 2020

Exact wording: Would you support or oppose providing Medicare to every American?

Sample Size: 958 registered voters

Overall Findings: 69% support, 31% oppose

Party Lines: 88% Democrats support, 48% Republicans support, 68% Independents support

Summary: A 2020 Hill/HarrisX poll found that 69% of registered voters support a proposal to provide Medicare to every American. Popularity for Medicare for All rose slightly among Democrats from a similar Hill/HarrisX poll in 2018, however Republican support dropped by a few percentage points since the last poll. This trend is consistent with polling from other organizations showing Republican support has dropped over the last few years due to an increase in attacks on Medicare for All from the Trump Administration. 

Link to the poll: https://thehill.com/hilltv/what-americas-thinking/494602-poll-69-percent-of-voters-support-medicare-for-all/