Co-Host An ‘Everybody IN-stitute' with Healthcare-NOW
Would you like to jump start single-payer organizing in your area with an Everybody IN-stitute? An Everybody IN-stitute is a one or two day training focused on developing skills and strategies for single-payer organizing, messaging, outreach, public education, media, and legislative advocacy. Wherever you’d like the movement in your area to get to – whether it’s starting a new chapter, getting more activists involved, advancing single-payer legislation, or learning how to use national health reform to build the movement – Healthcare-NOW can help you get there.
To start planning your Everybody IN-stitute with Healthcare-NOW, email Healthcare-NOW at info [at]
Here are some examples of workshops and presentations that you could include in your local Everybody INstitute:
- Advanced Grassroots Lobbying Training
- Telling Your Healthcare Story
- Choosing Medium-Term Campaigns
- Introduction to Healthcare Policy and the Single Payer Solution
- Targeted Messaging for Campaign Work
- Online Organizing for the Single Payer Movement
- Single Payer Study Controversies
- ... or any workshop topic that Healthcare-NOW has organized at one of our Annual Strategy Conferences or previous Everybody IN-stitutes!
Healthcare-NOW! asks of local co-hosts:
- That you start planning your Everybody INstitute with HCN at least 3 months in advance.
- That you secure local co-sponsors for the event (organizations and individuals) with adequate experience and capacity to turn out participants.
- That you are able to secure an accessible venue with adequate plenary space and breakout rooms.
Healthcare-NOW! will help to:
- Recruit speakers and presenters for desired topics, including bringing in Healthcare-NOW staff.
- Supply handouts, literature, single-payer merchandise, and presentation materials when needed.
- Reach out to local affiliates of national organizations we work with to involve new groups in your local work.
- Turn out attendees from our database
Healthcare-NOW! has the staff capacity to co-host a limited number of Everybody INstitutes per year, so please notify us soon if you would like one of them to be in your area! To start planning your Everybody INstitute with Healthcare-NOW, email Ben at