Victory – Medicare Safe for Now
We did it!
The Deficit Commission did not garner the 14 votes needed to send their proposal to Congress to cut Social Security and Medicare.
With your help, on November 30th, the National Call In Day to protect Social Security and Medicare, we shut down the Capitol switchboard twice. The same day, single-payer activists delivered 3,000 postcards directly to Rep. Jan Schakowsky demanding no cuts, privatization, or raising eligibility age for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid and to fight for single-payer healthcare.
Check out the Real News Network coverage here.
We need to keep fighting. Moving into the next Congress, these regressive ideas from the Commission will be raised again, and we need our elected officials to stand strong in the face of proposals to balance the budget on the backs of working people.
You can continue to spread the message in your community with these postcards. Let us know if you want us to send you some.
Let’s celebrate the defeat of these ideas for now, but continue with resolve to protect and improve our social insurance programs. If you can, please donate today so we can continue organizing.
People in america must realize sooner or later privatization is a magic bullet for increasing the cost of most anything. Why do legislators love to talk about privatization? More than likely these ideas come from their special interest campaign money sources WHO WANT our tax dollars flowing their direction = guaranteed profits.
In america trillions of tax dollars are collected annually. So everybody in the USA is paying taxes somehow let’s not play pretend.
The answer is we divert the appropriate amount of tax dollars annually to cover the cost of IMPROVED Medicare Insurance for ALL so that clinics and hospitals always get paid. This way new business is created and new jobs will be required to fill the demand.
Reducing the pork barrel military spending by 50% would be more than adequate to cover the cost. Eliminating pork barrel tax dollar subsidies to wealthy USA corporations
would be enough to create a reserve fund aka planning ahead. Let them stand on their own.
AND we ignore the misinformation coming from special interest tax dollar junkies aka the Chamber of Commerce and the medical insurance industry neither of which provide medical care.
The U.S. health insurance system is typically characterized as a largely private-sector system, so it may come as a surprise that more than 60% of the $2 trillion annual U.S. health care bill is paid through taxes, according to a 2002 analysis published in Health Affairs by Harvard Medical School associate professors Steffie Woolhandler and David Himmelstein.
I saw this truly great post these days!
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