Uninsured Travel from Across US for Free Healthcare from Relief Group Remote Area Medical (Video)

From Democracy Now!

As debate continues in Washington over healthcare reform, thousands of Americans in neighboring Virginia are preparing to line up this weekend to receive free healthcare provided by a relief organization called Remote Area Medical. We speak to the group’s founder, Stan Brock.


  1. Kyle Christensen on July 22, 2009 at 4:57 pm

    I sent “invitations” to Pres Obama,and Sens Webb and Wartner (the RAM is in their district) to attend the RAM in Wise County Va this weekend, at the fairgrounds.

    It might give then a little ‘perpective” on the problem!

    Lets all send invitations!

  2. rmzjzi on December 21, 2011 at 7:15 am

    fLnTxK odisvudlwnve