TONIGHT: Let’s Discuss the Fair Elections Now Act

TONIGHT, April 22, join Healthcare-NOW! for a discussion with leading advocates of the Fair Elections Now Act at 8pm Eastern.

Featured speakers include:
Frank Kirkwood of and the Western PA Coalition for Single-Payer Health Care
Chris Melody Fields, Common Cause’s Director of Outreach
Moderated by: Katie Robbins, National Organizer for Healthcare-NOW!

Here is the dial-in information:
Conference Dial-In: 1-218-862-1300
Conference Code: 441086

Please send your questions for the panel to

Healthcare-NOW! has endorsed the Fair Elections Now Act as one way to loosen the grip of for-profit interests over our democracy.

The Fair Elections Now Act, a voluntary system for publicly funding congressional election campaigns, has been introduced in Congress and is supported by the national campaign finance reform groups. The Act allows candidates to run for Congress on a blend of small private donations (under $100) and matching public funds. The Act has over 140 co-sponsors in the House and 11 in the Senate.

We need your support. Please donate to Healthcare-NOW! so we can keep organizing calls like this one.


  1. Christine E Clark on April 22, 2010 at 10:39 pm

    April 22, 2010

    I missed out on the conference call as I tangled with raspberry canes in N.E. Washington State. Hoping for a speedy concise report of this evening’s conference call.

    I hope there was a great response.

    Kudos to WASPAN, Washington Single Payer Action Network of the 1990s with Craig Salins who has diligently advocated for FENA with Washington Public Campaigns: (

    The Spokane chapter organizers hosted a community forum about health care for all May 2009 and supported the Doctors Mad As Hell visit in Spokane as they caravanned to Washington DC. Currently public campaign reform in Washington State focuses on public campaign finance reform for State Supreme Court candidate campaign funding.

    Health Care for All-WA:

    continues to bring the message of sensible health care reform with single payer health care for all in partnership with two Washington State Chapters of Physicians for a National Health Care Plan, glad for the success of a State health insurance trust for state-funded health care programs with the Washington State Health Care Authority: