Today: Mass Action for Single-Payer!

As the new administration takes on the giant task of reforming healthcare, the Leadership Conference for Guaranteed Health Care must continue to keep up the heat in support of meaningful reform and the tremendous momentum for the only plan proven to work: Expanded and Improved Medicare for All.

So on March 10th, 2009, we will host a deluge of activity in support of HR 676.

We ask that you join with thousands of others to call Congress and fax your health insurance bill or letter of denial to your Congresspersons.

If you don’t know your Congresspersons, or want a script and sample fax coversheets, all of the information you need is on our National Call-In Day page.

If you know your Representative and Senators, the Capitol Switchboard number is 866-338-1015. Ask to be connected, and then ask him or her to support HR 676. If they are already a co-sponsor, thank them.

We also urge you to contact the new Secretary-designate, Kathleen Sebelius. In addition to congratulating her on her nomination, let her know you support HR 676 and single-payer national healthcare. The office of HHS can be reached toll free at 1-877-696-6775.

In addition to calling in, activists will be demonstrating outside the American Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) conference at the Ritz Carlton in Washington, DC. AHIP is the trade group that develops policies to keep profit in our system, while leaving over a third of the population uninsured or underinsured.

Activists will meet at 11 am and point the finger at the connection between AHIP profits, our healthcare non-system, and the huge campaign contributions that AHIP gives to our elected officials. If you are in DC, join us to say “Health Insurance NO! Healthcare YES!”

The injustice in our healthcare system must end. Congress must act now for real health care reform. If our Congress is serious about health reform, they will support HR 676.

Health and Justice,
Healthcare-NOW! National Staff

Dr. Quentin Young
National Coordinator
Physicians for a National Health Program

Donna Smith
Community Organizer
California Nurses Association
National Nurses Organizing Committee
PDA National Healthcare NOT Warfare Co-Chair

Tim Carpenter
Executive Director
Progressive Democrats of America

Kay Tillow
National Coordinator
All Unions Committee for Single Payer Health Care-HR 676

James Winkler
General Secretary
General Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church


  1. Barbara Vargason on March 10, 2009 at 8:56 pm

    How was the turnout at the AHIP today? Wasn’t on the news surprise.