Thursday, November 3rd: Make Wall Street Pay!

Join Healthcare-NOW! and National Nurses United for a day of action on Thursday November 3rd. We have to let the world know we will not let the 1% continue to steal our money or cut Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security–the programs that help keep us housed, healthy, and fed through hard times and older age.

On Thursday, November 3rd, the G20 group of Central Bank Governors and Finance Ministers–the 1%–are meeting in Paris. They are not on our side. They represent Wall Street and international banks. The richest 10% receive a higher share of our nation’s income than in any other time since the figures have been measured, while 20% of our nation’s children live below the poverty line. 50 million of us live with the grave risks associated with being underinsured.

National Nurses United have called for an action in Washington, D.C. on November 3rd (.pdf) to make Wall Street pay a Financial Transactions Tax (FTT). This will create $350 billion yearly in revenue, holding corporations responsible for some of the devastation they’ve caused us.

There will also be actions in Los Angeles and San Francisco:

Los Angeles: March from OccupyLA site, 11 a.m., First and Main, rally, plaza adjacent to U.S. Bank, W. 633 5th St.

San Francisco: March 11 a.m., from 101 Market, across from the Federal Reserve Bank, rally at 12 noon, Wells Fargo Bank headquarters, 464 California St.

Washington, DC: Rally, Lafayette Square, 11:30 a.m., followed by march to U.S. Treasury Department. Nurses head to Capitol Hill to lobby Congress at 3 p.m.

If you cannot make it to DC, LA, or SF, we are asking you and your group to attend an Occupation and/or contact your Representative and Senators by email, or in person outside their offices on Thursday, November 3rd. And lets make thousands of calls to the White House at 202-456-1111 with this message on November 3rd:

No cuts to Social Security, Medicaid, or Medicare!
Improve and extend Medicare to all!
Make Wall Street pay the Financial Transactions Tax!


  1. Mary Ellen KIken on November 2, 2011 at 8:10 pm

    our country is in crisis because of corrupt corporate practices..access to health care is corrupted by huge for profit insurance companies who put profit before people. this must end. I am a retired RN and remember another time. My ex husband retired rather than have insurance corporations dictate his practice. No one wants to call this what it is..a form of Fascism. Take the country Back.