This Month, Celebrate Social Security’s Anniversary

Social Security turns 75 on August 14th! Join the Alliance for Retired Americans in celebrations and actions across the country! Click here (.pdf) for the details on events in your area!

Social Security comprises about 40 percent of older Americans’ income, making it the primary component to ensuring a secure retirement. It is worth noting that in its 75 years of existence, Social Security has not added a cent to our country’s budget deficit. Nevertheless, even as the baby boomers begin to retire, some fiscal conservatives have labeled Social Security as “unsustainable” and in need of “serious cuts.” This year, the president established a Fiscal Commission, comprised in part of individuals who seek to reduce the funding to Social Security as a means to fixing America’s budget deficit. While dealing with America’s financial troubles must be a top priority, cutting Social Security is not a viable or sustainable solution. Now more than ever, we must work to preserve this critical program from being subjected to cuts by deficit hawks. To learn more about the importance of Social Security and how best to advocate on its behalf, please see the fact sheets and issue briefs below. Join the fight and ensure a secure retirement for future generations!

Alliance for Retired Americans Social Security Resources

Fact Sheet: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) – Spotlights the SSDI program and its importance to retirement security and general welfare.

Testimony for July 15 2010 Ways and Means Committee Social Security Subcommittee Hearing – “Social Security at 75 Years: More Necessary Now Than Ever” – testimony, including facts about Social Security and recent statistics on retirement security, related to Social Security’s 75th anniversary.

Social Security Facts and Figures 2010 – A snapshot that answers: When can I receive benefits? Who is eligible? How do I apply?

Issue Brief: Social Security – A Promise to All Generations – A comprehensive overview on the importance of Social Security and its benefits.

Fact Sheet Social Security Executive Commission April 2010en espanol – A detailed synopsis of what is going on with the Fiscal Commission and why it affects Social Security.


  1. Herman Osorio on August 10, 2010 at 2:11 pm

    The “problem” facing Social Security can easily be remedied by raising the cap on deductions. It is at approx $110,000 now but, if lifted, could enable the system to continue as is into the next century. This “remedy” is seldom discussed but should be since it is an easy “fix”.

    • Larry Hardy on August 10, 2010 at 3:17 pm

      Herman, i agree with you it would be the easyest fix but the people over 110,000 with complain, and do have clout, money,that most that will be effected by the decission of this commission, do not have.

  2. Larry Hardy on August 10, 2010 at 3:08 pm

    The people of this country are always under attack, and more often than not it is from the very people who would profit from the elimination of Social Security. These are the very people who have pretty much illiminated any type of pensions in this country. Many of these same people have had and do have thier eye on the 401-k plans as a fast way to easy cash. Many companies were and are trying to influence their employees to invest their 401-k plans in company stock, and many have went bankrupt after this was done. We have seen in recent events that Even 401-ks are easy pickings for these people, who’s only intention is to put this money in their back pocket. We The People need to rally for the continuation, and complete funding of Social Security. The Fact that even the mention of raising the retirement age to seventy is really disturbing, soon they will be removing people from their jobs in body bags, why can’t people who have worked hard all their lives be able to enjoy some of the benefits of this country. When i see the C.E.O.s retiring with multi million retirement packages, wall streeters retiring between fourty and fifty years old, with multi million packages, it tells me their is something wrong with the system. If it is okay for them, why is not okay for the rest of the people, who i’ll bet work a lot harder that they do, its called physical labor!!!!!

  3. Russell Novkov on August 12, 2010 at 11:25 pm

    We need to keep Social Security,because it is a safety net for retirees,the elderly and the disabled who are unable to work,therefore Congress cannot afford to privitize, Congress would be making a big mistake.