Teaneck, NJ Endorses Single-Payer, HR 676

As part of our Win-Win Campaign, Teaneck, NJ passed a resolution supporting HR 676 on October, 11, 2011. Paula Freidman, a single-Payer activist in New Jersey, sent us this report:

I am chairperson of the Bergen County Central Trades & Labor Council Retirees. We set out to target towns in which we live to seek an endorsement for HR 676. One member of our committee Denise Powlis-Lightly and her father Austen Powlis live in Teaneck and helped to get the relevant figures from the town budget. Those figures were the towns health care costs for its employees and the salaries of the employees. We then calculated the savings Teaneck would realize under HR 676. The figure came in at about $4.6 million.

Denise and I met with a member of the council, Lizette Parker, who we learned would most probably be amenable to endorsing it herself and bringing it to the rest of the mayor and council. We gave her a packet of what we thought was relevant information and six other packets to present to the rest of the governing body for further discussion.

The result was this resolution.

70 state and local governments have already passed resolutions supporting HR 676. Help add yours to the list! Go here to learn more or participate in our Win-Win Campaign targeting local government entities – cities, towns, counties, school boards – in an effort to get them to endorse HR 676. Our hook is big money savings in a time of fiscal crisis for governments.


  1. Edward Rogers on December 2, 2011 at 1:15 am

    As I continue to write:If government is being destructive towards The”PEOPLE”…fire those responsible for doing so. It’s w/in The Declaration of Independance. Start instituting it…before it’s too late. Remember: The government works for (Ya’ll!) The PEOPLE. Keep that w/in mind. They’re there to do as the PEOPLE want/need. NOT as they damb well please!

    Till then…….Ya’ll,take care,
    Eddy Rogers
    (I’ve much more to say/write-all w/in good tyme)