Posts Tagged ‘canadian health care’
Canadian Example Offers a Possible Path to Curbing US Medicare Costs
By Mike Mitka for News@JAMA – While Medicare costs continue to rise and Democrats and Republicans promote various plans to curb such spending, 2 researchers suggest politicians look north to Canada for solutions. In a Research Letter published today in the Archives of Internal Medicine, the authors compare Medicare spending from 1980 through 2009 in…
Read MoreA puzzled Canadian ponders surreal U.S. health-care debate
Why are Americans distorting the reality of Canada’s most prized social program? By Alastair Rickard for the Toronto Star – Earlier this year, before the political battle over health-care reform in the U.S. reached its current fever pitch, I was in Tuscaloosa answering questions from University of Alabama business students. They were interested in my…
Read MoreCanadian health care: Fact vs. fiction (Video)
From the Real News – As the debate over health care reform heats up in the United States, a sub-debate of increasing significance is that of the Canadian system. Natalie Mehra, a critic of the current health care system in Canada, is an even stronger critic of those Canadians in the US decreeing the failure…
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