Stop the Super Committee, Support Healthcare-NOW!
The Super Committee does not represent us.
Operating in secret with no public accountability while laden with ties to special interests, the Super Committee is tasked with identifying $1.2 trillion in cuts to federal spending by November 23rd.
Co-chair Senator Patty Murray (D-Washington) has said cuts to everything, including Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, are on the table. This is unacceptable.
Donate now to help us stop the Super Committee from destroying our social safety net.
We must say, “No!” to the Super Committee. With one month left before they give their recommendations to Congress, we need to tell the members of the Super Committee that we will not let them gamble with our health and welfare.
We are calling for a national day of action on November 3rd for single-payer supporters to make calls, send emails, hold demonstrations at Congressional offices and/or Occupations, or join National Nurses United’s rally in DC in the final weeks leading up to the Super Committee’s proposal.
For every $10 you donate, we will be able to ship a package of signs and postcards to single-payer supporters in preparation for their actions on November 3.
Help us flood politicians’ offices with our simple message: we refuse to let you threaten the lives and livelihoods of millions of people for profit and greed.
We must hold the Super Committee accountable, but we need your help to do it. Please donate now–anyone who becomes a recurring donor at $10 or more a month will receive a free Martin Luther King Jr. poster.
Can we as a nation threaten to boycott black friday if we get cuts to medicare and medicaid.
The commite must be stpped. If they pass stuf that will not benefit the 99%, we shall occupy their location and members residences and holdObama accountable occupying the white house. We did not elect him to push sh..t down our throat! We will resist the passage of anything that favors the 1% only!!!