Single-Payer Protest Interrupts Senate Health Care Bill Markup

By Rachel Weiner for the Huffington Post

Debate over the Senate Finance Committee health care bill was briefly interrupted on Tuesday by a protest in support of the one thing absolutely not under consideration — a single-payer health care plan.

“We are speaking for single-payer … good senators would vote for single payer. Please listen to what the people want,” said one protester, wearing a lab coat with that said “Medicare For All” on the back. “Please give us Medicare for all.” He said repeatedly that 80% of doctors want a single-payer system. (Polls suggest that about 60 percent of doctors support single-payer.) “Everyone should have health care, everyone deserves health care, it is a right.

“We came all the way from Kansas City to speak to you about single payer,” one protester said. “Good senators, listen to us –”

The senators ignored the protesters, who were surrounded by Capitol police, and quickly adjourned for lunch.


  1. LjRose on October 6, 2009 at 7:51 pm

    Do we know who that was – what group? Also, hey – can you please post link to the 60% figure. I thought it was something like 72% favor public option and of that 72% or so, 10% favor sp. Someone please send us link to the 60% figure.