Massachusetts Voters Say YES to Single-Payer Healthcare, and NO to Mandates


Dear Single Payer Supporters –

In an election that has brought out the highest voter turnout in Massachusetts probably since 1928, local ballot initiatives supporting single payer and opposing individual mandates passed by landslide margins in all ten legislative districts where they appeared. With almost all precincts tallied, roughly 73 percent of 181,000 voters in the ten districts voted YES to the following:

“Should the representative from this district be instructed to support legislation creating a cost-effective single payer health insurance system that is available to all residents, and oppose laws penalizing those who fail to obtain health insurance?”

The measure passed with margins ranging from 65 percent in the Fifth Middlesex to 82 percent in the Third Hampshire. A table of results, along with other local non-binding referendum outcomes, is available at the Boston Globe website.

Thanks to everyone in these ten districts for your hard work, and congratulations!


  1. Jon Early on November 9, 2008 at 5:52 pm

    I am all for HR 676. My son served his country after 911 only to now be facing
    Foreclosure. My daughter in-law has had cancer twice and is now unable to
    get health care. They have three young children and it looks like her cancer
    may have returned.

    This is a real tragedy.

    Jon Early