Sign up for the Online Single-Payer Book Club

Healthcare-NOW’s very first book club has just been launched!

Starting Friday, May 6 through Thursday, June 9, we’ll be reading Gerard Boychuck’s National Health Insurance in the United States and Canada: Race, Territory, and the Roots of Difference. All discussions will be online, so you can participate on your own schedule! If you’d like to join us, create an account at the Single Payer School, enroll in the book club, and get yourself a copy of the book before May 6.

Create an account at the Single Payer School

  1. Go to the Single Payer School login page
  2. Click the “Create New Account” button if you aren’t already enrolled
  3. Fill out the form (Note! Username should have no spaces, capital letters, symbols, etc.)
  4. Check your e-mail and confirm your account by following the link.
  5. Once you confirm, you’ll be logged into the Single Payer School site.

Enroll in the Book Club course

  1. In the Navigation Box on the top left hand corner, click “Courses
  2. Click “National Health Insurance
  3. Click the blue button on the bottom of the page : “Enroll me”
  4. You are now enrolled in the course and can check out the syllabus and forums!

Get a Copy of the Book

The book may be available at your local library. If you’d like to own the book, here are some options:


Kindle, $14.55
Google Play, $14.55


Powell’s, $21.75
Barnes and Noble, under $24.41
Amazon, under $19.00


Powell’s, $35.50
Barnes and Noble, $28.95
Amazon, $28.95