President Obama’s Longtime Physician Opposes White House Health Plan, Advocates Single Payer (Video)
From Democracy Now! –
Dr. David Scheiner was President Obama’s doctor from 1987 until he entered the White House. Today Dr. Scheiner is publicly opposing Obama’s health plan and is calling for a single-payer system.
An acquaintance came from Africa last week. He wanted a non-emergency appointment to see a doctor here in MN. My daughter took about 15 minutes and found a clinic nearby that charges fees based on the sliding scale of income. He had his appointment the next day. The consultation with the doctor, blood tests and a prescription from the doctor for high-blood pressure medication came to a grand total of $20.00 for the visit. So…why doesn’t the government give additional funding to clinics like this one…instead of forcing a new exorbitantly expensive healthcare system on the US public…that the majority doesn’t want. There are also “Safety-net” hospitals that are State and Federally funded that also charge based on income, and in some cases, do not charge for services. The statements that uninsured have no choice but to go to the hospital emergency room for non-emergency services is another lie that has been repeated over and over.
According to a recent article in BlackAgendaReport, the coverage of the non-insured in the Obama Health Care plan will not begin until 2013. Are you surprised? I certainly was. No wonder they don’t want us to read the fine peint.
While I am talking about healthcare…why did Obama in his speech in
Ghana promise to provide Africa with $69 BILLION for healthcare..and here in MN the ride-on services for disabled elderly will be curtailed. The buses will now only take the disabled to the nearest public bus stop…because of lack of funding.