Occupy Wall Street Protesters Rally For Health Care Reform

From NY1.com

Nurses and doctors joined the Occupy Wall Street protesters Sunday to rally for health care reform, and tourists continued to funnel in and out of Zuccotti Park to witness the demonstrations for themselves.

The event in Zuccotti Park featured speakers demanding significant health care reform across the country.

“If we eliminated some of the profits of pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, medical device companies, we could provide healthcare to everyone and do it really well,” said Dr. Mary O’Brian of St. Luke’s Columbia Student Health Service.

“The insurance companies don’t wanna provide care because every time they provide care it’s less profit for them. That’s their inherent motto, that’s the fiduciary duty is to deny people care,” said rally participant Dr. Stephen Auerbach.

On Wednesday, healthcare workers say they plan to march from Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield’s headquarters downtown up to the former site of St. Vincent’s hospital, which closed down last year after filing for bankruptcy.

See the NY1 video here.

More videos:
Healthcare for the 99% on Healthcare Reform at Occupy Wall Street: WPIX.

Healthcare for the 99% on Healthcare Reform at Occupy Wall Street: My Fox NY

AUDIO: Medical Professional Protest Corporate greed at Occupy Wall Street: CBS Local


  1. BARBBF on October 29, 2011 at 5:04 pm

    Where were the OWS protesters when Obama funded NATOs illegal invasion of Libya? Where were the protesters when civilian Libyan deaths averaged 209 A DAY? Where were they when hospitals, schools, and the Libyan infrastructure were destroyed by NATO DU bombs..supported by US taxpayer dollar? Where were the protesters when hundreds of African immigrants and Black Libyans were systematically executed by the brave democracy-loving rebels…who have now declared Sharia law.


    • Bill on November 6, 2011 at 1:09 pm

      BARBBF, where is your head?

      Occupy Wall Streeters are protesting the financial rape of American citizens. This is about ‘investors’ and banks who are ruining people’s lives just to make a quick buck. Too many Americans have lost their homes and life savings because of corporate greed. Their Ponzi scheems and other unregulated practices helped cause the our financial crisis. The resulting bailouts cost Americans even more money. And the ultimate insult to the 99% was when these corrupt pigs paid themselves bonuses with TARP funds.

      Wake up. This has nothing to do with Libya. Your two cents is irrelevant and meaningless.

  2. BARBBF on October 29, 2011 at 5:07 pm