Obama: $400 Billion in Safety Net Cuts

President Obama’s opening position on a “cliff deal” includes $400 billion in “savings” (cuts) to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security over ten years.

This is unacceptable.

We can’t allow any deal to pass that threatens Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security. We know improved Medicare-for-all is the solution–it would save Medicare, halt out-of-control healthcare costs, ease the deficit pressure, and bring universal healthcare to the nation.

We need to act fast and we need your support.

Single-payer supporters have already sent in nearly 10,000 emails and phone calls to Congress. And right now we’re organizing coordinated actions and lobby visits around the country the week of December 10 (International Human Rights Day).

Can you help support our efforts to stop cuts to Medicare?

Every dollar of your generous donation will go towards purchasing campaign materials and furthering our outreach to new allies in the movement.

If you can spare $20, we’ll send you a Healthcare-NOW! bumper sticker and 1.5 inch button.

A $40 donation will get you a copy of John Geyman’s brand new book Health Care Wars: How Market Ideology and Corporate Power Are Killing Americans.

And for $50 or more we’ll send you a beautiful Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. poster with his quote: “Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and inhumane.”

For check and/or tax-deductible donations, make a check out to “IFCO/Healthcare-NOW!” and mail it to 1315 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107.

These threats to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are real. But we can stop them with your help.

Please support Healthcare-NOW! and our hundreds of single-payer activists all over the country today.

Francesca, Zoraida, and Jeff
Healthcare-NOW! National Staff

Opening Positions On The Cliff Deal: Deja Vu All Over Again

Liberals Fear Grand Bargain Betrayal if President Obama Wins – Politico

Post Election Deficit Deal Threatens Medicare and Social Security – Unions for Single Payer Health Care

Obama More Flexible on Medicare Than Rhetoric Suggests – NationalJournal


  1. Ham on February 1, 2013 at 11:07 pm

    Thank goodness Obama isn’t a Republican. Good thing we voted for a Democrat and we don’t support small, left-leaning parties that actually support single payer. Good thing we on the Left kneel before the high lords of the DNC.