Nurses, Robin Hood, Prepare to Converge on Chicago May 18
Healthcare-NOW! is proud to be one of more than 85 environmental, labor, and health groups to endorse National Nurses United’s “Protest the Global 1%” march and rally on May 18 in Chicago.
As part of their Main Street Not Wall Street campaign, NNU is calling for a financial transaction tax – or Robin Hood tax – on Wall Street trades on stocks, bonds, and derivatives.
Join thousands of nurses, their supporters, and Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men as they scour the “forest” for the absent G-8 world leaders hidden in the woods of Maryland. It’s time to send the message to our world leaders that austerity policies don’t work. No more cuts for our communities – make Wall Street pay for global recovery!
When and where:
11AM: MARCH – Leaves from Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers, 301 E. North Water St., Chicago, IL
12:15PM: RALLY – Daley Plaza, Washington and Dearborn. The rally will feature a special performance by Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine.
Not in Chicago? Occupy is organizing bus trips from different cities around the country. Sign up for a bus here.