NOW Reaffirms Support for Single-Payer Healthcare

Healthcare-NOW! applauds the National Organization for Women (NOW) for the 2011 conference resolution affirming their position in support of “Medicare for All” as the solution to our healthcare and fiscal woes.

“Women need jobs, not cuts,” said NOW President Terry O’Neill. “We oppose any cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and any health benefits derived from the Social Security Act. And candidates who want women’s support need to stand with us in support of single-payer healthcare legislation on the state and federal levels.”

The resolution also cites support for the right to healthcare, access to comprehensive health services including vision, dental, hearing and reproductive health, and support for state and national single-payer legislation.

Healthcare-NOW! encourages organizers on single-payer healthcare to work with NOW chapters across the country. You can find a chapter near you here.

We acknowledge the work of Donna Smith, Jewel Crawford, Lisa Patrick Mudd, Natalie Maxwell, Marilyn Albert, Andrea Miller, and all those who attended the NOW conference and helped to support this resolution process. These women represent a number of organizations including National Nurses United, National Women’s Liberation, Physicians for a National Health Program, Progressive Democrats of America, and Single Payer NOW, which all support the single-payer solution to the health and fiscal crisis.

Together, we collected 200 signatures in support of the resolution at the conference in Tampa, as well as facilitated a workshop “Mobilizing Women for Real Health Care for All: Making Single Payer Universal Health Care a Reality.” Please click here for the organizing packet we distributed.

As always, we remain committed to continuing the work of building a broad movement including national and local organizations, as well as committed individuals to win a just and equitable single-payer healthcare system.

Join us today and find out how to grow the movement in your city, town, church, mosque or neighborhood! Improved “Medicare for All” is the solution! Not the problem!


  1. Patrice A. Mitsos on July 3, 2011 at 10:50 am

    It’s about time we have single-payor healthcare. The useless middleman of the health insurance industry is wasteful, and delibatingly costly.