Nominate the Worst Inurance Company of 2013

Congress is in recess for the rest of August, and we thought we’d try something new. So we created, and are now taking nominations for, The 2013 Award for Profiteering and Deceit in the Private Health Insurance Industry.

Now’s your chance to nominate the worst insurance company of 2013!

Just tell us the which insurance company was the worst over the past twelve months and why. We prefer examples with a provided source, but will also accept personal stories that we will not share with the public.

Maybe it’s UnitedHealth because they made $5.5 billion in profit last year.

Or how about Coventry Health Care, which paid their CEO, Allen Wise, $21 million in 2012?

Aetna might be a good choice since they raised their rates as much as 21% on small businesses in California in 2012.

How about Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, which decided that a boy who can’t sit up on his own doesn’t need a wheelchair?

We know you have a nominee because health insurance profiteering, mismanagement, corruption, and outright harm to the American people is limitless!

We will be accepting nominations until Friday, August 30th. After that we will pick the top four nominees and put them to a vote in early September using the information you provide as a guide for voters. Once the voting is complete, we will present the award to the lucky winner.

Doing terrible things is business as usual for all health insurance companies in our healthcare system, we know. That’s why Healthcare-NOW!’s mission is to win expanded and improved Medicare for all–a healthcare system that’s completely free of for-profit health insurers.


  1. Nathan on November 11, 2013 at 3:26 pm

    worst health care company is United health care. My Doctor sent them a mail saying that i need to have more therapy due to my surgery, post surgery issues etc. they denied it. I have to pay my own money for the therapy ($100.00 per visit, twice a week, $ 200.00) a month is $ 800.00.. and I am paying premiums to UHC.
    Go to Hell UHC.

  2. Kathy Kraft on November 15, 2013 at 1:39 pm

    Then why are republicans and frankly these customers screaming to keep these predator policies. Have they just not yet needed real coverage?

  3. Mike Puleo on December 6, 2013 at 1:07 pm

    United healthcare does everything to not pay claims. They Are immoral business people and should have their insurance license revoked