New York State ARA Endorses HR 676, Single-Payer

From Unions for Single Payer

The New York State Alliance for Retired Americans, NYSARA, at its most recent annual meeting, endorsed HR 676, Congressman John Conyers’ national single payer legislation also known as Expanded and Improved Medicare for All.

NYSARA has 440,000 members, many of them retired union members who have maintained affiliation with the retiree group of their union. It is affiliated with the four million member Alliance for Retired Americans, ARA.

HR 676 was brought to NYSARA by New York State United Teachers Retiree Council 12, whose former president July Shultz, co-presidents Sandy Bliss and Jeanne Williams Bennett, and member Bev Alves worked on the resolution.

Alves reports that NYSARA overwhelmingly passed the resolution for HR 676 with one enthusiastic delegate calling out loud “It’s about time.” Alves says that the resolution will be brought to the national ARA this year.

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