National Strategy Conference – Spring 2013

As you may know, Healthcare-NOW!’s National Strategy Conference is typically held in November each year. However, our next annual National Strategy Conference will be held in early Spring 2013.

We will be in touch again soon with further updates on the specific date and location of the conference.

With the outcome and political impact of the upcoming election uncertain (and because our last strategy conference was held only a few months ago at the end of January in Houston), HCN’s Board and Steering Committee believe we will be able to have a more informed and strategic discussion 100 days after the election.


  1. John "Hai" Knapp on October 7, 2012 at 8:48 pm

    I have made it to the 2008 Strategy Conference. My goal is to make it to the Spring 2013 Stragegy Conference. I will have been at my job well over a year. I am hoping for room for music performance. I wrote many healthcare justice songs. My Fireflies parody
    3> Let’s doctors be doctors, not slaves to insurers,
    your doctor decides for you what is best.
    With the single-payer, as your team player,
    H R 6 7 6 will ace the test.

  2. Duell Lauderdale on December 27, 2012 at 10:47 pm

    I’m excited to finally hear about this conference? Let us know about it as soon as possible so our organization can plan to attend.

    President MU Students for Single-Payer Healthcare