National Single Payer Call-In Day

Healthcare-NOW! is pleased to join with Progressive Democrats of America to support a nationwide call-in day today to increase awareness and co-sponsors in Congress for HR 676–the Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act.

Call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard toll-free at (866) 220-0044, ask for your representative’s office, and then ask them to sign as a co-sponsor of HR 676. Don’t know your Rep? Put your ZIP in here.

Or you can quickly email them here.

The current cosponsors (42) are listed here.

Once you call and email, please ask your friends and contacts to do so as well.

HR 676 would create a publicly financed, privately delivered healthcare system that uses the already existing Medicare program by expanding and improving it to all U.S. residents, and all residents living in U.S. territories.

Healthcare-NOW! is committed to building the movement for national, single-payer healthcare and we sincerely hope that you will call and email your Representative to ask them to become a cosponsor of the bill.


  1. Gaby Gross on June 6, 2013 at 1:26 pm

    According to Thomas legislation, the cosponsors have changed since you printed the list. Alan Grayson withdrew on May 14. We in Florida thought he was our hero and wonder why he withdrew.

    Two new names were added recently, Paul Tonko of NY and Danny Davis of IL