Medicare’s 46th Anniversary Roundup!

July 30th was Medicare’s 46th anniversary and we’ve been celebrating all over the country. Improved Medicare-for-all supporters in 21 states organized over 45 events, rallies, birthday parties, and congressional visits aimed at preventing cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security while also calling for Medicare-for-all as the solution to, not the problem with, our national budget problems.

We will update this page as reports and articles come in. Thanks so much for all your hard work!
Albany, NY
Medicare turns 46 amid cut talks – YNN

Atlanta, GA

Chicago, IL
Moments From Our Medicare Birthday Rally

Cincinnati, OH

Corvallis, OR

Houston, TX

Ithaca, NY
Rally wishes many more happy birthdays to Medicare – Ithaca Journal

Louisville, KY

Madison, WI

Menlo Park, CA
Don’t Touch My Medicare – Indymedia

Newark, NJ
Seniors in Newark rally against cuts to Medicare as debt ceiling debates continue –

New York, NY

Portland, OR

Pittsburgh, PA

San Francisco, CA

Seattle, WA

Stockton, CA
Medicare’s birthday spurs supporters to action –

Local activists converged on the Stockton offices of Reps. Jerry McNerney and Dennis Cardoza on Friday to mark the anniversary and urge lawmakers to defend the health care program.

Syracuse, NY

Sally Johnston, Disabled in Action of Greater Syracuse, addressing the devastating effects proposed cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid will have on disabled of all ages.

Tucson, AZ
Tucson PDA Activists Protest Proposed Medicare Cuts

Twinsburg, OH
Gathering offers birthday wishes, support for Medicare – Twinsburg Bulletin

Warren County, VA