Medicare for All: Still the One

Join Healthcare-NOW! for a national conference call this Monday, February 15th at 8pm EST for a discussion of the rise and fall of the public option and why improved Medicare for All (HR 676) is still the leading policy solution to our health care crisis.

Featured speakers include:
Kip Sullivan, a member of the steering committee of the MN chapter of PNHP
Kay Tillow, All Unions Committee For Single Payer Health Care–HR 676
Dr. Andy Coates, MD, Capital District chapter of PNHP
Moderator: Katie Robbins, National Organizer, Healthcare-NOW!

Go here to sign up for the call and get the dial-in number and access code. It’s quick and simple.


  1. sharon cox on February 15, 2010 at 2:52 pm

    I support healthcare reform, that would make quality healthcare available for us all. Please keep me informed.

    Sharon Cox