May 1 – A Day Without the 99%
For more than 120 years, May 1 has been celebrated internationally as a day to honor workers and commemorate the suffering they have endured – and continue to endure – in their struggles for equity for all in the workplace.
Building on the history of May Day, the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement is calling for a Day Without the 99% by students, workers, and immigrants on Tuesday, May 1 to highlight economic injustice and corporate domination. Already, over 115 cities will be participating in this historic event.
Healthcare-NOW! encourages our members and supporters to participate in a May Day action organized by their local Occupy, and to bring with them the message of improved Medicare-for-all as the solution to the crisis in inequality in wealth and health.
Go here to find out about May Day events in your area.
Be sure to visit Healthcare-NOW!’s resources page for petitions and handouts you can download and bring with you, and send us any pictures or videos of your events at
Some of the May Day actions include:
Healthcare-NOW! – New York City is kicking off their 100×100 Petition Drive for New York State’s universal, single-payer healthcare bill May 1. Learn more and pick up materials at Union Square (on the steps at the South End) from 12n – 5:30pm.
Occupy LA East Wind, in collaboration with Labor United for Universal Healthcare, Single Payer Now, and others, will be holding a giant puppet show featuring the Working Family Vs. Greedy Insurance Giant at 1pm to speak out against the broken healthcare system. Go here for more info or contact Lisa Patrick-Mudd at
At a time in our country when 50 million people are uninsured and millions more remain underinsured, unemployment is at its highest level in more than 30 years, and student loan debt has reached a crippling one trillion dollars, this coming May Day occurs while the disparity between the privileges of the top 1% and the hardships of the rest of the 99% have been boldly illuminated by the efforts of OWS.
Please join with thousands of Healthcare-NOW! members and occupiers to show the world a May 1 without the 99%.