Losing Your Vision & Bartering For Care
Dr. Daniel Root testified before the New York Assembly Health Committee on December 4, 2014 about trying to care for the uninsured and underinsured in a rural county primary care practice. He describes a farmer, whom he has treated since childhood, losing his vision due to lack of access to basic preventive care; and another patient who had to barter free wood to pay off some of his medical bills after a heart attack. “This is a crime,” testified Dr. Root. Watch his testimony:
tragic….why… why in such a land with so much money…the willingness to prevent this should be paramount for why we should have single payer to prevent this….i hope & pray that new york can take up the cause that vermont so valiantly had lead the charge to accomplish…but yet they’ve cold feet…not for lack of heart but funding…and it’ll lie at the state & federal level.When will they boith come to some consensous on the implementation of single payer, The ACA was the first step…it must shift over to single payer…sooner than later.
Reformism can only be a trap because its foundation is quicksand and will crumble in time.