League of Women Voters US Endorses Improved Medicare for All
Contact: Rebecca Elgie
Tel: (607)272-0621
Website: www.healthcare-now.org
Email: healthylink@earthlink.net
June 14th 2010 – Atlanta, GA – Rededicating themselves to the fight for single-payer health care, the League of Women Voters US (LWVUS) passed a resolution with a wide majority at their national convention “to advocate strongly for bills that legislate for improved Medicare for all.”
LWVUS is a nonpartisan political organization with 150,000 members that is active in all 50 states and has recently celebrated its 90th anniversary. The League encourages informed and active participation in government and public policy issues by using education and advocacy.
The convention vote took place shortly before the arrival of Kathleen Sebelius, President Obama’s secretary of health and human services, who was scheduled to address the gathering and to plug the administration’s new health law. When Sebelius arrived, she was greeted by delegates holding a banner that read, “LWV Supports Improved Medicare for All.”
After the vote, League member from New York State and Healthcare NOW! board member, Rebecca Elgie stated, “We need to follow the example of our foremothers, the Suffragettes, in fighting for the rights of everyone, not settling for less than 100% inclusion. This resolution is an important message to our leaders, the job of health care reform is not done and will not be done until we have a national health plan that is affordable, comprehensive and not for profit.”
“We voted to direct our LWVUS Board to advocate for our health care position – improved Medicare for all,” says Judy Deutsch, Healthcare Specialist and member of the Massachusetts League. “Now we must be vigilant to see that our vote is implemented.”
Currently, HR 676, sponsored by John Conyers, is the legislation that would implement an expanded and improved Medicare for all system available to everyone residing in the U. S. It would cover every person for all necessary medical care including prescription drugs, hospital, surgical, outpatient services, primary and preventive care, emergency services, dental, mental health, home health, physical therapy, rehabilitation (including substance abuse), vision care, hearing services including hearing aids, chiropractic, durable medical equipment, palliative care, and long term care.
After the recent passage of the new health law that will leave an estimated 23 million uninsured in 2019, Lisa Stiller, Chair of N. Nevada LWV, emphasized that “this resolution will help us add one more very strong voice to the growing cry for a health care system that lets everyone in and keeps nobody out.”
Healthcare NOW! is an education and advocacy organization that addresses the health insurance crisis in the U.S by advocating for the passage of national, single-payer healthcare legislation. Healthcare Now! is a 501c4 organization that is fuelled by committed volunteers, activists, and interns supporting single-payer national health care.
Health Care Resolution passed by LWVUS – June 14, 2010
Whereas the League of Women Voters of the United States believes quality health care at an affordable cost should be available to all U.S. residents; and
Whereas the current and proposed systems do not achieve the League goals of affordability and access to everyone; and
Whereas an improved Medicare for all, a publicly funded and privately delivered national health care plan, is consistent with this goal;
Therefore, be it resolved, we, the representatives of local and state Leagues assembled at the 2010 LWVUS Convention, call upon the LWVUS Board to advocate strongly for bills that legislate for improved Medicare for all.
Thanks to the League of Women Voters for strenghtening their pledge to improving Medicare for All.
Good Work,Ladies!
Oh ya, thank you League of Women Voters who don’t think citizens at your debates should be reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Change we can believe in has definitely turned into change “what” we believe in.