Healthcare Summit Ends in Deadlock; Single-Payer Advocates Excluded

From Democracy Now!

After nearly seven hours of televised debate, President Obama’s so-called bipartisan healthcare summit ended Thursday without any substantive agreement between Republicans and Democrats. Republican lawmakers remained staunchly opposed to using the federal government to regulate health insurance. We speak to Columbia Journalism Review contributing editor Trudy Lieberman and pediatrician Dr. Margaret Flowers of Physicians for a National Health Program.


  1. John Ledford on February 26, 2010 at 11:20 pm

    The exclusion of Single payer health care from congressional discourse speaks to the oppressive influence of the medical insurance industry. Instead of making a qualitative change that would include everyone at much less cost, congress is dealing with legislation that may reduce costs by a small amount and not cover everyone. The incremental step of denying the exclusion of pre-existing medical conditions is a step in the right direction. Forcing everyone to buy medical insurance may reduce individual costs by a small amount, but really provides security for the medical insurance industry’s profits. Medical service providers deserve fair pay. Medical insurance profiteers, we can do without.

  2. Joe Elliott on February 27, 2010 at 8:09 am

    This is a representative democracy;republicans and democrats are supposed to listen to us,not themselves for decisions.They will not even have a conversation with the single payer advocates.What is this called?Fascism maybe?

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