Healthcare-NOW! Activist, Alison Landes, on the air

Yesterday, Alison Landes, a single-payer activist with Healthcare-NOW! and Floridians for Health Care was interviewed on WMNF 88.5 by Rob Lorei. Listen to the full show.

The show’s topic was “Does the Nation Need Health Care Reform?”

Excerpt from the show: Today we’ll talk about health care reform. It’s near the top of the agenda of the incoming president. Obama supporters will soon be holding house parties to discuss what people at the grassroots level would like to see done about health care. Also, Pinellas Democrats will soon hold a series of meetings to talk about health care reform.

Our first guests today are nearing a financial crisis because they don’t have health insurance. They are Joycelyn and Jim Elliott. He is a chiropractor by profession. She has been unable to work due to stress. In 2004, they moved from Tampa to Nebraska to restart their lives. I spoke with them yesterday.

Allison Landes lives in Boca Raton and she’s a volunteer with Floridian’s for Health Care, a group that advocates a single payer style health care system.

Read the full article here.