1. Lynn O'Connell on July 22, 2015 at 10:05 am

    Stephanie – This PETITION needs to be a tab at the top of the website right up next to ABOUT – TAKE ACTION – LEGISLATION. Then we could email our friends and ask them to go on the website http://www.healthcare-now.org, click on the PETITION tab, and sign the petition. Much less intimidating than sending them the long alpha-numeric link on Change.org – plus a way of getting new people to the HC-NOW website.

  2. dr. william r. reed on July 28, 2015 at 4:30 pm

    I commissioned with some pro musicians last fall a sort of fight song for the Universal Health Care movement. It is now a MUSIC VIDEO on YouTube. Search on YouTube for: “Single Payer Shuffle.”
    By the way, the music and video are free to use by anyone in the Single Payer Movement.

    Thanks, Wm. R. Reed, MD