Stephanie – This PETITION needs to be a tab at the top of the website right up next to ABOUT – TAKE ACTION – LEGISLATION. Then we could email our friends and ask them to go on the website, click on the PETITION tab, and sign the petition. Much less intimidating than sending them the long alpha-numeric link on – plus a way of getting new people to the HC-NOW website.
dr. william r. reedon July 28, 2015 at 4:30 pm
I commissioned with some pro musicians last fall a sort of fight song for the Universal Health Care movement. It is now a MUSIC VIDEO on YouTube. Search on YouTube for: “Single Payer Shuffle.”
By the way, the music and video are free to use by anyone in the Single Payer Movement.
Stephanie – This PETITION needs to be a tab at the top of the website right up next to ABOUT – TAKE ACTION – LEGISLATION. Then we could email our friends and ask them to go on the website, click on the PETITION tab, and sign the petition. Much less intimidating than sending them the long alpha-numeric link on – plus a way of getting new people to the HC-NOW website.
I commissioned with some pro musicians last fall a sort of fight song for the Universal Health Care movement. It is now a MUSIC VIDEO on YouTube. Search on YouTube for: “Single Payer Shuffle.”
By the way, the music and video are free to use by anyone in the Single Payer Movement.
Thanks, Wm. R. Reed, MD