Celebrate Medicare’s 48th Anniversary!

This July 30 marks Medicare’s 48th anniversary. To celebrate, we’re working with our network of hundreds of activist to help organize dozens of actions across the country–including rallies, teach-ins, and speak outs.

Medicare has reduced poverty among the elderly by two-thirds since it was introduced and it remains extremely popular — 58 percent of people want NO cuts to Medicare or Social Security.

Actions organized in July come at a crucial period as Congress proposes cuts to Medicare and Social Security to reach a “grand bargain” to replace automatic cuts already underway through a process of sequestration. We can’t allow that to happen. The solution we all know is improved and expanded Medicare-for-all.

Can you donate to Healthcare-NOW! today to help make this year’s actions a success?

It’s up to us to use Medicare’s anniversary, and the implementation of Obamacare, to educate our communities on single-payer and motivate our friends and neighbors to take action.

The wonderful folks at Single Payer Now in California are willing to match every dollar you donate up to $1,000, and they will match monthly recurring donations at $10 for every $1 per month you donate (a $20 recurring donation will trigger a $200 match!).

Help us meet this goal.

Donate $20 and we’ll send you a Healthcare-NOW! bumper sticker and pin. Donate $40 and we’ll send you a copy of Dr. John Geyman’s book Health Care Wars.

All donors receive a discounted registration for our National Strategy Conference this October in Nashville, TN–we’ll send out more information about that soon!

You can donate online, send a check to Healthcare-NOW!, 1315 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107, or call 800-453-1305.

Thank you so much for your support.

Ben, Zoraida, and Jeff
Healthcare-NOW! National Staff


  1. Lynn O'Connell on June 11, 2013 at 5:57 pm

    Hopefully, as Healthcare-NOW’s network of hundreds of activists organize dozens of actions across the country (rallies, teach-ins, speak-outs, etc) to celebrate July’s 48th anniversary of Medicare, an overriding message will be that HR676 – not The ACA – is most similar to Medicare. It’s frustrating to hear the Obama Administration try to convince citizens that The ACA is anything as great as Medicare – and the media also seems to echo the false premise that President Obama’s achievement is equal to Medicare. We need to find ways to convince the media to make the clear distinction between Medicare For All vs. “Obamacare”.